2nd Ordinary Sunday (C) January 14, 2001 |
Every Family a Domestic Church -- in Mission to the World |
"Do whatever he tells you." |
Dear Friend,
Weddings are always happy occasions. Jesus, His Mother and disciples were invited to a wedding in Cana, only a few miles from Nazareth. Request the family to join them and find out why John wrote about this special occasion (the other three Evangelists did not). Read the Gospel of John to the family (John 2:1-12) and observe what the disciples learned about Jesus from that event. How Jesus Showed His Love
The wedding party had run out of wine. This was an embarrassment to the host as the merriment would stall -- it was not easy to get more wine, as there were no wine stores that time to run to. It was Mary among the group of Jesus who noticed this. She was sensitive to what was happening (it was the woman in her). "They have no wine," she said to Jesus. We could be puzzled by the reply of Jesus -- "Woman, your thoughts are not mine! My hour has not yet come." This reply reminds us of Jesus’ reply to Mary and Joseph when He was twelve -- "Why were you looking for me? Do you not know that I must be in my Father’s house?"(Luke 2:49). These statements showed how Jesus regarded His Mission: He was focused on what He had to do from an early age.
How Jesus Taught His Disciples Jesus taught His disciples to be sensitive to signs. The time for mission should not be dictated by themselves but by the people in need of their services. How Jesus Healed John need not state that that wedding party was the best wedding ever -- with the presence of Jesus. The best of wine flowed from Him. The result was happiness among those who participated. There was "healing" of relationships. And the kingdom of God was experienced in that occasion. Prayer and Reflection ~