Dear Friend,
The Shepherd recovered His Lost Flock. He never left them but they did not recognize Him (John 1:10). He gave them the Holy Spirit so they may have the eyes to see Him. But they were still confused and have to learn to work with the Holy Spirit. This is the theme of the Gospel for this 3rd Sunday of Easter. Please read it to your family and reflect on the third time Jesus appeared to the disciples. Recall that Jesus had sent the disciples on mission when He told them: "Peace be with you. As the Father sent me, so I send you."
Simon Peter, supposed leader of the group, had wanted to go on fishing and the others followed him. They did go fishing all night but caught nothing.
As they were returning to the shore at daybreak, they heard a man standing there say to them, "Throw the net out on the right side of the boat, and you will catch some." This was after the man made them realized their condition of having nothing to bring home. They followed his suggestion.
The next scene was too familiar with Simon Peter -- they caught so many fish to the breaking point of their net.
But it the disciples whom Jesus loved who recognized Him.
A fire was ready for them for a meal with them.
After they had eaten, Jesus asked three times, "Simon son of John, do you love me more than these others do?" And his reply was always, "Yes, Lord, you know that I do love you."
To this Jesus would also reply, "Take care of my lambs (or sheep)."
Prayer and Reflection ~
Pause for a while here and request the family to reflect on how the Holy Spirit was at work with Simon Peter:
He was being sent, as Jesus was sent by the Father.
He still did not know what to do.
And what he did was what he knew doing -- fishing.
This episode reminded Peter of his mission to become "fishers of men," when he was called the first time by Jesus (Luke 5:1-11).
It was the experience of being loved that made John recognize the Lord.
Jesus made sure that Simon Peter knew this by asking him three times how he loved Jesus.
The mission is about the sharing of a "meal" with a "fire" from Jesus.
The mission of Peter was to take care of the flock.
In taking care of the flock, Peter was to follow Jesus who will be leading and is present with him till the end of time (Matthew 28:20).
Can we become "Pebbles" to this "Rock" in following Jesus?
Joe & Charito