Dear Friend,
The Gospel this Sunday (Luke 5:1-11) related how Jesus called Simon Peter to be His disciple. This Gospel is significant for us because Luke gave the details of the call, which could very well apply to us.
Read the Gospel to your family and prepare to relate the events at the Lake of Gennesaret to them:
That morning when Simon Peter and his partners, James and John, were washing their nets by the shore, Jesus came and got into his boat.
Jesus requested Simon Peter to pull out a little from shore and Simon Peter followed.
Jesus continued to teach the people from the boat of Simon Peter. Of course, Simon Peter heard everything, as he had to be on his boat.
After speaking to the people, Jesus asked Simon Peter to put out into deep water and lower his nets.
The response of Simon Peter was, "Master, we worked hard all night and caught nothing. But if you say so, I will lower the nets." Simon Peter followed again the request of Jesus against his better judgement and experience that at that time of the day, the fish were now in deeper waters
beyond the reach of their nets.
When they did, their catch almost broke their nets and filled up both boats which in their life and experience had never happened. The fishermen were exceedingly amazed.
Upon seeing these, Simon Peter fell on his knees before Jesus and remarked, "Leave me, Lord, for I am a sinful man!"
Sensing this fear and humility, Jesus assured Simon Peter, "Do not be afraid. You will catch people from now on."
The partners brought the boats to land and followed Jesus, leaving everything.
What did Simon Peter see to suddenly remark to Jesus, "Leave me, Lord, for I am a sinful man!"?
The recent events that unfolded before Simon Peter were:
Jesus selected his boat from which to continue teaching the people,
Jesus made sure Simon Peter heard His teachings,
teachings that convinced him that Jesus is a "Master"
whom when he followed the second time resulted to a catch never experienced in his whole life, and whom he now recognized as his "Lord."
Simon Peter realized that he was being called by Jesus to be his disciples. His response was he showed his humility by admitting he was a sinful man.
Prayer and Reflection ~
As we pray and reflect on the call, let then put ourselves in the place of Simon Peter as the above events unfolded.
Have you selected me to become Your disciple also?
Do you want me to listen to Your teachings as Simon Peter listened to You?
And not be afraid to follow You but instead to be humble in my sinfulness and imperfections?
Joe & Charito