Dear Friend,
Jesus had just called His disciples and chose twelve of them whom He called apostles. In the Gospel this Sunday according to Luke (6:17,20-26), Jesus begun teaching His disciples a way of life He Himself would live. Request the family to listen to Jesus with an ear of a disciple and clarify to the family the meaning of the words of Jesus.
"Fortunate are you who are poor, the kingdom of God is yours." -- Jesus wanted His disciples to live "poor." When Jesus called them, the disciples responded, left everything and followed Him. They would be living the way Jesus lived -- completely dependent on God's grace. That is how to be "poor" and to live in the kingdom of God.
"Unhappy you are who have wealth" as wealth could distract you from being with Him. Jesus cited in Luke 18:24, "How hard it is for people who have riches to enter the kingdom of God! It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." To this remark, He was asked, "Who then can be saved?" The reply of Jesus was, "What is impossible with men is possible with God." The lesson learned by the disciples was openness to the graces of the loving God who provides all needs of His people.
"Fortunate are you who are hungry now, for you will be filled." -- Relating this to the above, Jesus said to His disciples, "My food is to do the will of the One who sent me and to carry out his work" (John 4:34). Jesus expected His disciples to be concerned about doing the work of the Father rather than the filling of their stomachs as a priority. This was what Jesus meant when He said, "Unhappy are you who are full, for you will go hungry" -- devoid of the graces of God.
"Fortunate are you who weep now, for you will laugh." -- This is how deep is the compassion of Jesus for the poor, the captives, the blind and the oppressed (Luke 4:18). Read Luke 20:41-44 on how Jesus wept over Jerusalem as they "did not recognize the time and the visitation of your God."
Fortunate are you when people hate you and reject you and insult you and number you among criminals because of the Son of Man." -- Jesus Himself was rejected in Nazareth, and will be insulted and counted among criminals. He was telling His disciples to expect this to happen to them (and it did happen!)
The theme is the same -- to find peace and joy in the presence of God in the kingdom.
Prayer and Reflection ~
The disciples experienced living in the kingdom of God and they found peace and joy in the presence of God. That is the invitation to us.
How can each one in the family be open to the blessings of God as mentioned by Jesus --
Have you selected me to become Your disciple also?
Do you want me to listen to Your teachings as Simon Peter listened to You?
And not be afraid to follow You but instead to be humble in my sinfulness and imperfections?
Joe & Charito