Dear Friend,
Everyone of us is called. As Jesus said to His disciples, "The harvest is rich, but the workers are few. So you must ask the Lord of harvest to send workers to his harvest" (Luke 10:2). But we wonder who were chosen.
To understand this call, please read this Sunday's Gospel to your family (Luke 10:1-12, 17-20) and find out more about Jesus' instructions to His disciples, to be able to discern His instructions to us.
Let the family talk first about what His disciples are to expect in the mission, what to bring, where to go, and what to do.
Then, let them discuss how to translate these instructions in today's life?
After the mission, the disciples returned full of joy. If we do go on mission, for sure we, too, shall return full of joy. But listen to what Jesus said to His disciples: "Nevertheless, don't rejoice because the evil spirits submit to you; rejoice rather that your names are written in heaven."
I have experienced such joy. This weekend, I attended a Parish Renewal Experience (PREX). It is a weekend to open oneself and experience the love, the forgiveness and healing of Christ. In that weekend, we all experienced our transformation from anxiety to joy at the end of the sessions. The joy was not because of the removal of hurts and pains in relationships but the joy of knowing Jesus, that to know Him more is to experience giving His love and forgiveness. I have to walk His path and feel His compassion, His peace and His joy along the way.
This could have been the reason why Jesus sent His disciples ahead of Him.
The disciples may not have known this right after their mission, but they surely did after the Resurrection.
Prayer and Reflection ~
How I wish I can share that experience of PREX with all of my friends and the people You, Lord, will send to me. For to know You more, I have to go out and follow You – how You love, how You teach and how You forgive and heal.
And to follow You is also to nurture these learnings among us "graduates" of the PREX, until we are ready to go on Your mission of peace and joy.
Is this what You want of me?
That is the only way I can love You and serve You more.
Joe & Charito