Dear Friend,
We took up the Gospel of last Sunday on the teachings of Jesus on possessions and greed with marginalized families we are "walking" with and they were able to see with compassion their neighbor with a child in need for medical attention and nourishment. One will approach the other and offer to bring them to a doctor who can look at the child and give free medical advice. Others offered to buy milk. This goes to show that no matter how poor one is, together time, talent and treasures can be shared. And Jesus was with them that time. They are a "little flock" Jesus could be referring to in the Gospel this Sunday.
Please read Luke 12:32-48 to your family and talk about what Jesus is admonishing the "little flock." He can be addressing a family or a group of families (Basic Ecclesial Community). Please talk about and clarify what is it the "little flock" should not be afraid to do as the Father will give them the kingdom.
Then, please explain to the family the following words of Jesus: "Much will be required of the one who has been given much, and as more things are entrusted to him, more will be asked of him." (Luke 12:48)
The Father will be giving the "little flock" the kingdom. As Jesus said, "Truly, I say to you, the master will put him in charge of all his property." (v. 44) To some, the Father only gives a taste of the kingdom for them to know there is more to come, if they would ask for it.
With what is given, a corresponding responsibility is required. To whom more is given, more is required.
You may want to recall to your family what God said to man when He created him, "Be fruitful
and increase in number, fill the earth and subdue it, rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the sky, over every living creature that moves on the ground." (Genesis 1:28) Man was made God's steward, hence, responsible for every living creature on earth.
Prayer and Reflection ~
Lead the family to prayer and reflect on what the loving Father has entrusted to each one.
What could have been the purpose for which that gift was entrusted?
Have them reflect on what each one is doing to treasure the gift, care for it and use it for the purpose it was intended for.
It will be good to listen to each one share one's reflections on these gifts, gifts that were given because the Father loved.
Joe & Charito