Dear Friend,
Let us prepare our families to participate in this Sunday’s Mass and see what values Jesus will be teaching us. As we read this Sunday’s Gospel (Luke 12:49-53) to our families, let us remember that Jesus teaches us by the example of His life. What is He showing us?
Please read the Gospel slowly and clarify the words that Jesus spoke:
"I have come" –- Jesus wants to tell us the purpose of His coming on earth.
"... bring fire upon the earth and how I wish it were already kindled" –- Fire is a means of preparing or transforming so He came to prepare us or to transform us, and how He wished the process had began.
"baptism to undergo" -– We are to undergo a baptism. This is the direction of our transformation -– to be reclaimed for the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
"Do you think that I have come to give peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division." And the Jesus mentioned the division would be within a family, in one house. –- There would be a conflict in relationships within a home. Some would suffer the rejection from others in the family as Jesus Himself was being rejected.
If we are then to be rejected, Jesus also prayed that we become united (John 18:21). So that the transformation process should include our being capable of loving in the face of rejection, as reconciliation and unity only comes after forgiveness.
Jesus forgave while He was on the Cross.
Prayer and Reflection ~
Have the process began that I may look into our relationships in the family?
Have I been hurt by anyone in the family? Have I hurt anyone?
A follower of Christ is always the first to forgive, as Jesus forgave without any condition on the Cross.
How can I begin that process of forgiving in the family? I have then to take the initiative.
I have to show the family how Jesus loves and forgives so that they will see in me the love of Jesus.
Lord, please help me follow You.
Joe & Charito