Dear Friend,
To prepare our families for the Holy Mass this Sunday, please read to them first its Gospel according to Luke 13:22-30.
In this Gospel, Jesus was going through towns and villages on His way to Jerusalem and teaching the people. One was curious to ask Him, "Lord, is it true that few people will be saved?"
What could have given him that idea? Brush over the previous verses to find out why.
You will see that Jesus was talking about the kingdom of God and compared it with a mustard seed that can grow into a tree, and also some yeast to leaven dough (v. 18-21). For one to be saved, he/she must be as small (humble) as a mustard seed or yeast that can grow to benefit birds or a mass of dough. That someone must have realized that the mustard seed or yeast must die to itself. And a few would, hence, the question.
Jesus said, "many will try to enter and will not be able" (v. 24). These are the many people who will try to be "first" and they will crowd each other out. They would not be willing to die to him/herself that his/her baggages or possessions would not pass through the door to the kingdom, leaving him/her out.
But those who will help others enter the kingdom will follow an orderly manner and will be able to enter.
Jesus concluded, "Those who were last are now first, while the first have become last."
Prayer and Reflection ~
What should I do to help my family enter the narrow door to the kingdom of God?
I have to become first the mustard seed to my family, or that speck of yeast to leaven them.
What must I do to become that "seed" or "yeast" to them?
The first step is for me to be "planted" or to be "hidden" into my family. I must accept my role as the "seed" or "yeast."
Then, I have to become a living witness of Christ among them that they may see how happy am I as the "seed" or "yeast" to bring them into the kingdom.
Joe & Charito