Dear Friend,
The Gospel this Sunday (Luke 15:1-32) related how tax collectors and sinners sought the company of Jesus to listen to what He had to say. On the other hand, Pharisees and scribes frowned at Jesus welcoming and eating with these people. When Jesus sensed this, He told them three parables – the parable of the lost sheep, the parable of the lost treasure, and the parable of the lost son.
Read the Gospel first and then relate these parables to your family in your own words, so that you can talk about what Jesus is teaching us in this Gospel.
The lost sheep was very valuable for the man, a piece of silver to the woman, and a son to the father. To Jesus, the tax collectors and the sinners are very valuable to Him. He welcomed and ate with them.
What motivated the tax collectors and the sinners to seek Jesus?
Could it be this feeling of being welcomed and being valued by Jesus?
Knowing this, who would not? In Jesus, they found a friend.
What about the Pharisees and the scribes? Why were they frowning at Jesus?
They behaved like the elder son in the last parable. Read again verses 28-32.
The elder son did not have the compassion and forgiveness of the father. He could not accept his repentant brother.
The disciples of Jesus learned to be friends first, show compassion, and welcome sinners into the Church that Christ wanted to establish.
Prayer and Reflection ~
We learned from Jesus that an attitude like that of the Pharisees and the scribes will be a hindrance to building the Church.
Whom do I associate with among the characters in the Gospel?
The tax collector and sinners who desired to be with Jesus?
Or, the Pharisees and scribes?
What must I do to belong to His Church knowing that He welcomes me?
Joe & Charito