Dear Friend,
We are approaching the end of the Liturgical Year C. Jesus had been preparing His disciples to go on Mission. One of His major teachings for His disciples was prayer. He wanted them to pray continually and not lose heart. He used a parable to stress this to His disciples.
Please read this Sunday’s Gospel to your family (Luke 18: 1-8). After reading, please clarify the details of the parable to your family.
There was a judge who neither feared God or the people. This judge would not follow God’s
Then, there was a widow who wanted justice for her rights against an opponent – an opponent who
could influence that kind of a judge.
The widow was persistent of her rights and the judge finally thought this widow would not stop bothering him so he would give her justice.
Jesus concluded that if such an evil judge could administer justice to such a petitioner, how much more would a loving God want to give justice to His persistent and persevering people. But Jesus doubted if the people would be persistent and persevering enough to show their faith in the loving Father.
Jesus would like His disciples to be persistent and persevering in their prayers to show their faith.
Jesus would like our families to be persistent and persevering in our prayers to show our faith. Let us try to do this.
Prayer and Reflection ~
Request the members of the family to sit comfortably and quietly. Try some breathing exercises to relax them.
Request them to imagine themselves as disciples listening to Jesus. Then, read the parable of Jesus to them and His conclusion (v. 2-8).
Continue in silence and request them to talk with Jesus. You may want to tell Jesus how you were praying before and how you may now follow His teachings in praying.
Then, request them to just sit and listen to what Jesus would say each of them.
After this prayer, request any member of the family to share his/her conversation with Jesus.
Was their faith in their response to Jesus?
Joe & Charito