Dear Friend,
In loving us, Jesus speaks to each one of us at our own level of understanding Him, as He wants everybody to be able to hear Him and follow Him. Our response to Him is to be open to His words and listen to Him.
Read to the family the Gospel for this coming Sunday according to Luke 21: 5-19. You may then relate it to them in your own words just to clarify its highlights. You may want to emphasize the following –
The disciples were admiring the beauty of the Temple as well as the gifts being offered to God in it.
Jesus called their attention that the Temple they were admiring would be destroyed when there would be no stone left in its place -– a total destruction.
Jesus wanted the disciples to see beyond the physical Temple and gifts that could not be destroyed.
Still the disciples did not catch on as they pressed for answers when this would happen. In another Gospel, Jesus had said, "Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up." He was referring to the temple of His Body. (John 2:19-21).
For the disciples to understand Him, Jesus cited that they would experience wars, earthquakes, famines, and plagues that would tend to discourage them. Worst of all they would be betrayed by even their parents, brothers, kinsmen and friends, delivered to courts, and then put in prison for His sake.
They have to be prepared for these and not worry as the Lord would "give words and wisdom that none of your opponents will be able to withstand or contradict."
Jesus assured them that "not a hair of your head will perish." "Stand firm and you will save yourselves."
Request the family to pray on this Scripture during the prior week after clarifying the above highlights with them.
Meditation ~
During the week, request each member of the family to go to a quiet place and to sit comfortably. Try
some breathing exercises to relax. Request each one to talk with Jesus and listen to Him explain
Himself to you:
Why He used the destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem as a prelude to His asking the disciples to stand firm against wars, earthquakes, famines, and plagues they could experience, even against the betrayal of their own kin;
How each one can stand firm against today’s threats against the family.
Joe & Charito