Dear Friend,
This Sunday is the last for the current Liturgical Year C and the theme of its Gospel is "Christ the King," according to Luke 23:35-43.
Please read first this Gospel to the family and go over with them its highlights.
- "The people stood by watching" (v.35) as Jesus went through His ordeal of carrying the cross to Calvary and being hanged on it. The disciples must have been watching also from a distance.
- The rulers and soldiers made fun of Jesus taunting Him to save Himself.
- One of the two criminals also insulted and asked Jesus to save Himself since He is the Messiah.
- The other criminal however rebuked this criminal, and asked Jesus to remember him when He comes into His kingdom.
- Jesus replied to him, "Truly, you will be with me today in paradise" (v.43).
Let us recall the Gospel of last Sunday when Jesus advised His disciples to "Stand firm and you will save yourselves" when crises would come to them.
Recall also the teaching of Jesus to His disciples: "If you will be a follower of mine, deny yourself and take up your cross each day; and follow me. For if you choose to save your life, you will lose it, and if you lose your life for my sake, you will save it" (Luke 9:23-24).
As the Messiah, Jesus exactly lived these teachings to His disciples that they may see, understand and follow Him.
Jesus was so sure of the end result of His passion and death, His resurrection, that He promised the other criminal to be with him that day in paradise.
Meditation ~
During the week, request each member of the family to go to a quiet place and to sit comfortably. Try
some breathing exercises to relax. Request each one to talk with Jesus and listen to Him explain
Himself to you:
- Search yourself if you were there, where you stand that day in Calvary.
- Understand Jesus as He stood firm in His belief and conviction.
- Jesus is truly the Messiah who is the Lamb of God to save the sins of the world by living through His passion, death and resurrection that we, too, be able to live through our own passion and death to our own resurrection.
Contemplation ~
Imagine yourself on Calvary that day Jesus was hanging on the cross. Hear the taunting of the rulers and the soldiers. Feel the emotions of the disciples watching their Teacher going through His passion and death remembering He was going through this suffering that you may see and understand how you
may be saved. Go through His transforming grace.
Joe & Charito