Dear Friend,
This coming Sunday is the Feast of Corpus Christi, the Body & Blood of Christ. The Gospel is about the Miracle of the Loaves, or the Feeding of Five Thousand Men. We know that when Jesus instituted the Eucharist, Jesus revealed to His disciples that the piece of bread and wine He blessed, are His Body and Blood. What is the connection of this Sunday's Gospel to the Body and Blood of Christ? Please read this Gospel (Luke 9:11-17) to your family to have a better understanding of the Mission of Jesus from the point of view of the disciples whom He would be sending out to spread the Good News. After reading this Gospel, review the Gospel on the Last Supper of the Lord, Luke 22:14-20.
You will probably observe that both these Gospels are prefaced with a mention of the "Kingdom of God." And in both Gospels, Jesus took the bread, gave thanks, broke it and gave it to His disciples. The multitudes were fed to their satisfaction and the same result would be expected with the Mission. This is how Peter would be able to follow the commandment of Jesus to "feed His flock."
Please read the Gospel of the Miracle of the Loaves to your family and reflect on the words of Jesus.
Prayer and Reflection ~
Jesus said, "Give them something to eat yourselves."
The disciples had nothing to feed the multitude, only five loaves and two fish.
Neither do I. But I must have at least "five loaves and two fish." I must have something in me that I can share to participate in the Mission. And I have to discover it.
The multitudes were hungry and they needed food. The people I was called to serve will be able to communicate their needs, if I listen.
I shall not need anything to serve -- "no bag, neither walking stick, nor silver coins."
If I do my part, have faith and Jesus will do the rest.
"Get them to sit down in parties of about fifty."
Lord Jesus, are you referring to the grouping of the people into small basic communities? That is just about ten parents with an average of three children each. And that is about the composition of the families we are called to serve now. This is no coincidence!
"They all ate as much as they wanted, and when the scraps remaining were collected they filled twelve baskets."
Whatever I shall give will not diminish. The more I love, the more I receive love.
Joe & Charito