Dear Friend,
This is the first Sunday of the Liturgical Year (A) of Matthew. It is the first Sunday of Advent. The Gospel is according to Matthew 24:37-44 when Jesus was speaking to His disciples on the Mount of Olives. Let us join His disciples and listen to Him (as you read the Gospel to your family).
Meditation ~
Jesus speaks to His disciples about the coming of the Son of Man.
But as during the time of Noah, the people will not aware of His coming, instead they will continue with their ways and will be swept away. We know that they were Indeed swept away.
The Gospel readings of the last Sundays spoke of such crises.
Since then as now, we still do not know the day when the Lord is coming. We have to watch out and be ready.
We have to prepare ourselves.
As in any crisis experienced by man since creation, each crisis demanded for personal conversion -- to be saved. As Jesus put it, "If you will be a follower of mine, deny yourself and take up your cross each day; and follow me. For if you choose to save your life, you will lose it, and if you lose your life for my sake, you will save it" (Luke 9:23-24).
The personal conversion called for by each passion and death shall result in resurrection -– to a better person. It has to be a faith experience -- faith in Jesus.
To prepare for the coming of the Son of Man is to reflect on what needs in each one to "deny yourself and take up your cross each day."
In meditation, you may want to ask Jesus what you should deny in yourself and how you may do it.
Contemplation ~
Imagine yourself with the disciples that day on the Mount of Olives. Listen to Jesus speak to you, "be alert, for the Son of Man will come at the hour you least expect."
Joe & Charito