Dear Friend,
After seeing their Messiah crucified and dead, the disciples were distraught and hiding behind closed doors. Two abandoned the group and went home to Emmaus. The Gospel (Luke 24:13-35) this Sunday is the story of these two disciples.
Please read it to your family and find out what we have to learn from their experience on the Third Day.
The two disciples left the Eleven and others in Jerusalem, confused at what happened to Jesus, their leader.
On their way to Emmaus, Jesus came and walk with them. Jesus was seeking His lost
disciples, as He said He would to a lost sheep.
But they failed to recognize Him. They were so preoccupied with the recent events that they were
lost to what was happening around them, including the presence of Jesus among them.
Jesus, sensing how downcast they were, asked them why.
They related to Him the events that happened to Jesus whom they had hoped to "redeem Israel,"
and how the women in their group went to His tomb but did not find the body inside. Instead they
saw a vision of angels who announced that Jesus is alive. The empty tomb was confirmed by
some of the men but nobody believed the women.
Jesus commented, "Oh, how foolish you are! How slow of heart to believe all that the prophets
spoke! Was it not necessary that the Messiah should suffer these things and enter into his
Then, Jesus related to them all that were written about Him in the scriptures.
As they were approaching Emmaus, the two disciples invited Jesus to stay with them for the
night and Jesus went in with them.
At supper, Jesus took bread, said the blessing, broke it, and gave it to them.
At that instant, the two disciples recognized Jesus, and He vanished from their sight.
They recalled how their hearts were burning while Jesus spoke on the way and opened the
scriptures to them.
At the middle of the night risking their lives, they returned to Jerusalem to announce to the group that Jesus is indeed alive and related to them their experience on the way and in their home.
Meditation ~
Meditate on the experience of the two disciples from Emmaus.
· Do I see myself in them?
They had departed from the other disciples and left them in Jerusalem.
· Have I distanced myself from the other Catholics of our parish?
They did not recognize Jesus who was walking with them.
· Do I see and recognize Jesus among the Catholics of our parish?
· Like them, am I so preoccupied with so many things that distract me from seeing Him, seeking Him?
Jesus made the disciples recall all that were written about Him in the scriptures and see
His presence in the Eucharist, to be able to return to their group in Jerusalem.
I, too, must know all that were written in the scriptures about Jesus, respond to the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, and return to rebuild my relationship with my fellow Catholics.
These are the three things that I must do to become truly a disciple of Jesus Christ: Scriptures, Eucharist and Relationship or sense of belonging to the Church.
· How is the Spirit leading me to do these things?
Contemplation ~
magine yourself walking on that dirt road with the two disciples to Emmaus. You hear a stranger speak but you are too preoccupied with the recent events about your Leader. The stranger spoke about Jesus and how He would suffer before He would enter His glory. Feel your heart burning in you as you listen to Him speak. Go inside the house of the disciples and join them in their supper. See the stranger take bread, say the blessing, break it, and give it to you. Then, He is a stranger no more.
Joe & Charito