Dear Friend,
The Gospel for this Sunday (Matthew 4:12-23) relates how Jesus began His public life after He heard that John the Baptizer was arrested. Please note that before Jesus started His public life, He went through a spiritual preparation by staying with the Holy Spirit in the desert for forty days. During those days, the Devil tried to prevent Him from fulfilling His mission.
He did not live in Nazareth but instead made Capernaum His home to fulfill what had been said in the Scriptures by Isaiah.
Jesus continued the theme pursued by John the Baptizer: "Reform your lives! The kingdom of heaven is at hand." This is the Good News.
The first thing Jesus did was to call His first disciples. He called Peter, his brother Andrew, the sons of Zebedee, James and John. They immediately followed Jesus.
What made them immediately follow Jesus? This Gospel did not say. If you want to find out the details of what took place for them to drop everything and follow Jesus, read Luke 5:1-11.
The new disciples went with Jesus as He toured all of Galilee, taught in synagogues, proclaimed the Good News and cured the people of every disease and illness.
The new disciples would start learning about the kingly, prophetic and priestly functions of Jesus.
Meditation ~
Is there any doubt that we are also called to be disciples of Jesus today?
Does Jesus want me to reform my life? What should I reform?
The new disciples He called immediately showed their willingness to reform by dropping everything they were doing and immediately following Him.
What should I drop?
What is it that prevents me from saying "yes" to Jesus?
Contemplation ~
Imagine yourself in the company of the disciples of Jesus along the Sea of Galilee when He called them. Hear Jesus tell you: "Come after me and I will make you fishers of men." Experience that call from Jesus.
It is the Lord calling.
Family Response ~
Talk about how each one would respond to the call of Jesus. Help each other fulfill each one’s
Joe & Charito