Dear Friend,
The Gospel this Sunday is about the Sermon of the Mount or the Beatitudes. These Beatitudes describe one who is to follow Jesus. Of course, Jesus Himself showed His disciples how to live out these Beatitudes.
Please read this Gospel to your family and talk about the meaning of these Beatitudes.
How Blest are the poor in spirit: Jesus was literally poor. He had little use for money and possessions during His mission. The Devil made a mistake in tempting Him with money and possessions (Mt 4:1-11). He paid His Temple tax but it came from the mouth of a fish (Mt 17:27). Jesus said, "The foxes have lairs, the birds in the sky have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head." (Mt 8:20). Throughout His public life, Jesus showed how He trusted and depended on His Father. He was poor in spirit.
Blest too are the sorrowing: He wept over Jerusalem even though its people had failed to recognize Him (Lk 19:41-44). They even thought He would liberate them from the Roman yoke. Because of this, some of them would be threatened and they would kill Him. He also wept for Lazarus (Jn 11:35-36).
Blest are the lowly: Jesus showed how He valued people specially the least, the last and the lost (Mt 25:40, 19:30, 18:12, Lk 15).
Blest are those who hunger and thirst for holiness: Jesus as a young boy remained in Jerusalem to learn of His Father (Lk 2:49).
Blest are they who show mercy: Jesus always had compassion for the sick (Mt 9:35-36, 14:14), the widow of Naim (Lk 7:13), the leper (Mk 1:41), the two blind men (Mt 20:34), those who had nothing to eat (Mk 8:2).
Blest are the single-hearted: Jesus never faltered in His mission. He was rejected, humiliated, tortured, made to carry a cross, was hanged was nailed on it. The Jews could not make Him deny His mission. The Devil could not distract Him from His sense of purpose.
Blest too are the peacemakers: Jesus wanted His disciples to perfect as the Father is perfect (Mt 5:48) by loving their enemies (Mt 5:44). The first step in loving is to forgive (Mt 6:12-14).
This Gospel, therefore, gives us an idea on how Jesus would perform Him mission –- the mission He wanted His disciples (and us) to continue.
Meditation ~
To become a disciple, I have to be blessed as Jesus wanted me to become. These attributes are gifts generously given to all who are open to it, so I have to be open to these gifts. I must have a desire to become a disciple. What opportunities or situations do I see for me to exercise these attributes and be blessed?
Contemplation ~
Imagine yourself in the company of the disciples of Jesus along the Sea of Galilee by the mountainside, and listen to Him teach you together with His disciples. Be sensitive to the prodding of the Holy Spirit. Where am I being directed?
Family Response ~
Talk about how each one would respond to the call of Jesus. Help each other fulfill each one’s response.
Joe & Charito