Dear Friend,
During this season of Lent as we contemplate in our own "desert" and spend time with our Loving Father, let us see what Jesus in the Gospel of the 5th Sunday tries to teach us.
Please read John 11:1-45 to your family and relate again to them the Gospel, As in other Gospel readings, there are as many teachings as there are family situations that Jesus addresses. For the purpose of Lent, let us focus this time on the experience of the disciples on the "glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified."
What is the meaning of this statement of Jesus?
The "glory of God" is a manifestation of the presence of our Loving Father, and to be "glorified" is to be acknowledged – to be demonstrated as the truth.
In this Gospel, the raising of Lazarus from the died truly demonstrated that Jesus is the Christ. This happened at the risk of His life so that Thomas said, "Let us go to die with Him." (v.16) Indeed, the Sanhedrin planned to kill Jesus (v.53).
Meditation ~
Jesus wept when He saw Mary and the Jews weeping. It was a moment of triumph when their sadness would turn to joy at the raising of Lazarus. Jesus showed His humanity with His tears –- He would be glorified but at the cost of His life.
During this season of Lent, can I also reveal "who I truly am" – an image and likeness of my Creator, my Father, by dying to my old self?
Contemplation ~
Imagine yourself with the disciples from the moment they were with Jesus when He met Mary (v.32) to the raising of Lazarus (v.44).
Contemplate on the face of Jesus during these moments – He went through these events to show His love for the Father.
Let us allow that same love to transform us.
Joe & Charito