Dear Friend,
In the Gospel this Sunday according to Matthew 13:44-52, Jesus related to the people three more parables about the kingdom of heaven. These are the parables of the buried treasure, the pearl and the net.
Please read it to your family and discuss with it with them.
The Parable of the Buried Treasure (v.44) – Look at the reaction of the person who found the buried treasure: when he found it, he was overcome with joy and sold all his properties to buy the field with the treasure. What process did that person go through?
Jesus meant that a person must first have a desire to seek the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 6:33). And when he comes to know the kingdom of heaven, he will experience great joy and will make the kingdom a priority over anything else that he would give up everything he has to be in the kingdom.
Jesus is therefore inviting the people and His disciples to be open and know more about the kingdom of heaven.
The Parable of the Pearl (v.45-46) is similar to the Parable of the Buried Treasure. It carries the same meaning. Jesus must have said this parable for emphasis.
The Parable of the Net (v.47-50) – This parable is similar to the parable of the Wheat and Weeds in the Gospel of last Sunday. As in that parable, the net will catch all kinds of fish, as the Church will have both righteous and wicked people. It emphasizes the opportunity for the righteous to "love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your heavenly Father" (Mt 5:44-45) and thereby to "be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect" (v.48).
Jesus asked the crowd, "Do you understand all these things?" Jesus sought a response from His disciples to this question.
Meditation ~
Do I really have a desire to know more about the kingdom of heaven?
Jesus tells me that it is in the kingdom of heaven that I will find great joy, not in anything else that I presently value.
The strategy of Jesus to spread the kingdom of heaven is to build the Church, His Body.
Am I open to it?
Contemplation ~
Imagine yourself standing beside the disciples as Jesus teaches His disciples. Listen to His words and let the Holy Spirit teach you about the kingdom of heaven that is near to have a strong desire to belong to His Church.
Family Response ~
Share your reflections and support each other make a commitment to enter the kingdom of heaven through His Church.
Joe & Charito