Dear Friend,
May I express my gratitude and appreciation to you for your prayers that accompanied me during my more than one-week’s stay at the hospital and operation. The experience made me resolve to focus more intently on our mission for families. The Gospel this Sunday has particular significance to me as I have undergone some "strong winds and waves" which are life-threatening. ~ Joe Hilario
Please read the Gospel (Matthew 14:22-33) to your family to learn to weather "strong winds and waves" in our lives.
Recall that the Gospel that preceded this Gospel was the feeding of five thousand men (not counting the women and children) to their hearts’ content. They were so satisfied that the people wanted to make Jesus their king, as written by John (6:14-15). They were not able to understand that such power can only come, not from a king, but from the Son of God, the Messiah.
As you read the Gospel, request the family to focus on the events as they unfold.
Jesus commanded His disciples to get in the boat and precede Him. (v.22) They would go on mission to Gennesaret across the lake.
Jesus remained inland and prayed up the mountain alone (v.23). He would always pray before a significant event. The most recent was before Jesus fed the multitude with five loaves and two fish.
Only a few miles offshore, the wind blew against the boat and the waves begun tossing it. (v.24) The disciples experienced this threat before (Matthew 8:23-27) but this time, Jesus was not with them. They were feeling uneasy.
The disciples saw a figure walking on the water and approaching them (v.25). It was Jesus but they failed to recognize Him as the one with power over nature as He displayed when He fed the multitude. Hence, they thought it was a ghost and were terrified. (v.26)
Jesus sensed the predicament of His disciples. He said to them, "Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid." (v.27)
Shift your attention now on Peter:
It was the leader of the group who would take hold of the situation. Peter replied to Jesus, "Lord, if it is you command me to come to you on the water." (v.28)
Jesus said to him, "Come." (v.29) By that command, Peter recognized Jesus as he heard Him give that command before (Matthew 4:19).
The impulsive Peter got out of the boat and begun walking on water towards Jesus. (v.29)
Stop here for a while and imagine Peter walking on water towards Jesus. However, the wind kept on blowing and the waves tossing the boat behind him. He felt determined to go until the waves would obscure his sight of Jesus. He doubted and was frightened. (v.30)
Peter began to sink and cried out to Jesus, "Lord, save me!"
Jesus came and rescued Peter, "O you of little faith, why did you doubt?" (v.31).
Read the rest of the Gospel to the family (v.31-32)
Meditation ~
Meditate on the experience of the disciples of Jesus on that boat to Gennesaret:
Jesus commanded the disciples to go. The disciples obeyed.
The physical absence of Jesus with the disciples. He prayed for them.
The disciples had weaknesses and threats (wind and waves).
Peter showed his faith in Jesus by walking on water at His command.
Peter faltered in his faith; he doubted. He lost focus on Jesus.
Jesus was ready to help His disciples.
Unfaltering faith in Jesus was needed by His disciples to reach their destination.
Reflect on the following:
What are the expectations of Jesus from me as a member of my family and my community (parish)?
What are my weaknesses that might hinder the fulfillment of Christ’s expectations in me?
What can I do to prepare myself for my duties to my family and my community (parish) to overcome my weaknesses?
Contemplation ~
Put yourself in the place of Peter as he was walking on water towards Jesus. Be aware of the strong wind and waves tossing you about. Keep your focus on Jesus and try to reach Him with your faith.
Family Response ~
Talk about this experience of overcoming "winds and waves" with faith.
Joe & Charito