Dear Friend,
The Gospel this Sunday (Matthew 15:21-28) is about a Canaanite Woman’s appeal to Jesus to heal her daughter. The Canaanites were the people displaced when the Israelites arrived from Egypt. The Jews considered them pagans. Recall the instructions of Jesus to His disciples before going on mission: “Do not go into pagan territory or enter a Samaritan town. Go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” (Matthew 10:5-6) Let us first understand why Jesus gave these instructions.
The mission of Jesus Christ is to proclaim the kingdom of heaven (God). He likened the kingdom in His parables to a mustard seed and to that of yeast, both small in size, but could grown into or affect a larger structure. Jesus wanted to stay focused on a small tribe, the house of Israel, in which to start proclaiming the kingdom of heaven.
With this as a background, please read the Gospel to your family and find out why Jesus deviated from His original intention of going only after the lost sheep of the house of Israel and entertained the request of the Canaanite woman, a pagan.
How did Jesus see great faith in this Canaanite woman? What did He see?
The Canaanite woman was persistent. Jesus ignored her first plea, not to disregard her, but to observe.
The disciples wanted Jesus to send her away. Jesus even told her that she was not part of His mission, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” She persevered in her plea.
Jesus saw humility in the Canaanite woman she accepted her being associated with dogs. She said, “Please, Lord, for even the dogs eat the scraps that fall from the table of their masters.”
Finally, Jesus saw love in the heart of the Canaanite woman, her love for her daughter.
To Jesus, that is indeed great faith.
Meditation ~
I am not from the house of Israel but I am as lost as the Canaanite woman in need of healing.
Will Jesus entertain my request for healing?
How can I have such great faith as the Canaanite woman?
She was persistent in her plea. I, too must be persistent in my prayers, even persevere when my prayers run dry.
Jesus found love in her heart. Jesus must find love in me.
Faith is God’s gift. Am I worthy of God’s gift?
Contemplation ~
Put yourself in the place of the Canaanite woman in front of Jesus. Show your faith in Him by staying with Him in contemplation saying, “Lord, help me. Make me love.”
Family Response ~
Talk about this experience of emulating the faith of the Canaanite woman.
Joe & Charito