Dear Friend,
In the Gospel this Sunday (Matthew 18:15-20), Jesus continues with the theme of building His Church. He addresses this teaching to His disciples on forgiveness and reconciliation with one another.
We are all sinners. Simon Peter was humble enough to admit it to Jesus when he sensed he was being called by Him (Luke 5:8).
To prepare the family to meditate on the Gospel, please read it to them first. Then, relate it again to them in your own words. Clarify anything they may not understand.
As you read and relate this Gospel to your family, please request them to put themselves in the place of the brother who sinned.
Meditation ~
He was calling my attention to my mistakes, my sins. I feel angry. I want to defend myself. But where will this lead me?
Let me look at the positive side of what he is saying.
He seemed sincere enough in wanting to reconcile with me – only if I can admit that I made a mistake and will not sin again.
Let me look again at the situation that makes me feel angry.
He is showing his love and concern for me. He has not given up on me.
He is reminding me that I am a child of God who loves me and wants me to be united with the Church.
He wants me to be reconciled with the whole Church and return to their fold.
Can I not accept this as a positive step and bear the consequences of my sin for the benefit of the whole Church? For us to have peace?
Let the thought of the love of these people be a sign for me to have the strength to face similar instances that may tempt me to sin again in the future.
That I free myself of sin.
For what the Church reconciles and forgives will be reconciled and forgiven in heaven.
What is not reconciled and forgiven, will not be reconciled and forgiven in heaven.
And what the Church prays for in the name of Jesus shall be granted.
This is how the loving Father supports the Church, how He loves me.
So that when two or three of the Church are gathered in the name of Jesus, He shall honor it with His Holy Presence, how He loves us.
Right now, we are gathered in the name of Jesus. He is honoring us with His Holy Presence with us.
Our family belongs to His Church.
Contemplation ~
In contemplation, listen to Jesus say to you: "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them."
Keep repeating to yourself His words of love.
Family Response ~
Support each other in forgiveness and reconciliation to build the Church of the Home -- your family.
Joe & Charito