Dear Friend,
Jesus was speaking with chief priests and elders of the people in the Temple. They had questioned the authority of Jesus to drive out all those how engaged in selling and buying in the Temple area which they had tolerated, if not all together encouraged.
When asked, Jesus replied to them that if they could answer His question, "Where was John’s baptism from?" He would tell them who gave Him such authority. They could not believe John so they were not able to answer Him. Hence, Jesus did not tell them for they would not believe in Him either (Mt 21:23-27).
This was the situation Jesus found Himself when He returned to the Temple area and was again confronted by the suspecting chief priests and elders. But Jesus would not give up hope in them that they could still enter the kingdom of heaven, only if they would believe in Him. So, in the Gospel this Sunday (Mt 21:28-31), Jesus related to them the parable of the two sons and asked the chief priests and elders an empowering question, "What is your opinion?" -- to open their eyes to the truth in their life situation.
Please read it to your family and observe how Jesus tried to convince the chief priests and elders.
The parable: A father asked his two sons to go out that day in the vineyard and work. The first son said he could not, but later changed his mind and went as he was requested. The second son said he would, but did not.
Jesus asked the chief priests and elders, "Which of the two sons did the father’s will?" The parable was clear. Their reply was the first son did the father’s will.
Jesus explained to them the parable: the tax collectors and prostitutes did not believe John, but later believed and repented (like the first son). While the chief priests and elders would openly declare that they believed in God, their lives would not show they have believed in John (just like the second son).
Meditation ~
The chief priests and elders understood the point of view of Jesus but they could not accept John, neither could they accept Jesus (behavior). They did not have the capability to accept as they are mired in their traditions. They are slaves of their own beliefs and values. Hence, they could not respond to Jesus. They were not free. Some of them, though, would later like
Nicodemus (John 7:50). Jesus was right in having hope in them.
Am I like the chief priests and elders who are weighed down by paralyzing beliefs and values?
What are they?
What is my future in this situation?
How can I turn this situation around and turn to the values of Jesus of forgiveness and reconciliation, of peace and love?
My hope is in Jesus Christ who will make all things possible, provided, I am open to Him.
Contemplation ~
In contemplation, say to the Lord: "I believe, Lord and I will follow!"
Keep repeating these words to Him.
Family Response ~
Support each other in turning to the values of Jesus of forgiveness and reconciliation, of peace and love.
Joe & Charito