Dear Friend,
In the Gospel this Sunday (Matthew 21:33-43), Jesus gave the chief priests and elders of the people another parable. It was about a landowner who planted a vineyard, put a hedge around it, dug a wine press in it, and built a tower. In order words, all that was needed were tenants to watch over and care for the vineyard.
Please read it to your family and observe how Jesus made the chief priests and elders realize that they were the "tenants" the Lord had "leased" the "vineyard" to yield "produce."
What did the tenants do?
At harvest time, the landowner sent in his servants to get his share of the harvest but the tenants maltreated one of them, even killed the next and stoned the third.
The landowner thought he better sent in his own son whom the tenants would certainly respect. But instead they killed the son, too.
Then Jesus asked the chief priests and elders what the landowner would do to the wretched tenants when he returns? Their answer was the landowner would put those wretched tenants to death and lease the vineyard to other tenants who would give him the produce at the proper times.
Jesus then concluded that the "landowner" is the Lord, the "vineyard" the kingdom of heaven, and the "tenants" were the chief priests and elders. The "slaves" were prophets they had maltreated, killed and stoned.
The "son" was Jesus whom they would crucify and kill within that week. Who are the "other tenants" to whom the Lord would commission to work in the kingdom of heaven now and would expect to deliver to Him the produce at the proper time?
Meditation ~
It seems that we are the "tenants" of the "vineyard" today. The Lord has prepared everything that is needed for the kingdom of heaven to yield fruit, including us.
How were we prepared? He sent us His Son, Jesus, to show us the way, the truth and the life. The Son taught us that we are not just His people but His family. He is our Father.
Jesus taught us to love not only those who loved us but even our enemies to become perfect as the Father is perfect.
Jesus lived as a man and became a perfect man, to show us how to become a man in the image and likeliness of the Father.
Jesus established us into a Church as His Body on earth and in heaven.
He even gave that Body His Spirit who will guide and teach us everything Jesus taught, that we become ONE with Him and with each other, as He and the Father are ONE.
Contemplation ~
In contemplation, say to the Lord:"I accept being a tenant in your vineyard and I shall do my job."
Keep repeating these words to Him and watch positive emotions build up within you.
Family Response ~
Support each other in working in the "vineyard of the Lord."
Joe & Charito