Dear Friend,
The story of the wise men is familiar to all of us. The Gospel for this Sunday of Christmas starts with the departure of these wise men from the Holy Family in Bethlehem.
Please read this Gospel of Matthew 2:13-15,19-23 to your family (or each other) and then meditate on what the Holy Family went through that we may learn to become holy families also.
Meditation ~
The wise men must have related to Joseph and Mary that Herod wanted to know where they are so that he may go and worship the Child Jesus. Why the king of the Jews would do this must have puzzled Mary and Joseph. The answer came in a dream when an angel of the Lord appeared and told Joseph to get up and take the Child to Egypt. There was imminent danger in their stay in Bethlehem.
The response of Mary & Joseph was prompt and they left that same night for Egypt.
The presence of Jesus in a family poses threats (you may want to read also Matthew 10:34-39.) but a family who recognizes this Holy Presence has the Lord on its side and God's favor.
This was confirmed throughout the Holy Family's stay in a foreign land, and their eventual return to Nazareth.
Contemplation ~
Join the Holy Family in their flight to and stay in a foreign land.
Imagine yourself trying to cope against fear of pursuit from the men of Herod, the anxiety of where to stay and how to survive, where to find work to sustain the family, and at the same time maintain family solidarity. (Isn't this the situation of thousands of families today, and we may be one of them?)
Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you through the maze of life situations.
Joe & Charito