Dear Friend,
The Gospel readings during this season of Lent are lengthy, particularly those of John, the conversion of the Samaritan woman and the man born blind. But Palm Sunday readings are the longest and there are plenty of lessons to be learned. However, we would suggest that we focus on a particular one mentioned by Jesus on Matthew 16:24-25. Please read it first to have a better understanding of this Gospel.
Jesus said to His disciples, "Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it."
Jesus taught His disciples through the example of His life. He himself showed them how to live His teachings.
Here, Jesus showed His disciples how to deny Himself, take up His cross, lose His life for His Father’s sake and find it (to resurrect to a new life). This is the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus.
This Sunday’s theme is on the passion of Christ. Read to the family this Sunday’s Gospel, Matthew 26:14–27:66. (It might be a hassle to keep their attention that long, so better if you can relate it to them in your own words, instead of reading it.)
There are highlights that we must know to learn from Jesus.
Know that it is the will of the Father that Jesus go through His passion.
Read Matthew 26:39 and also v.42:
"My Father, if it is not possible that this cup pass without my drinking it, your will be done!"
Part of the passion of Christ are the following:
betrayed by a disciple (Judas Iscariot) whom He had been shepherding for almost three years (Mt 26:14-16),
denied by His most trusted disciple (Peter) with whom He planned to build His Church,
abandoned by the disciples (Mt 26:56),
exchanged for a notorious criminal who was freed in His place (Mt 27:21),
made to wear a crown of thorns, mocked, scourged and abused (v. 26-31),
carried His cross with the help of Simon, a Cyrenian (v. 32)
nailed and hanged on His cross for more than three hours until He died.
Jesus instituted the Eucharist during this period (v.26-30). He answered the difficult question that made many disciples leave Him (Jn 6:60) of how to "eat His flesh and drink His blood," through the Eucharist.
To become a follower of Christ is to go through a similar passion, death and resurrection. It is difficult to become a Christ to others. But He showed that the result is an eternal life with the Father. It is a complete selfless growth or conversion process, like gold submitting to a jeweler’s hand in passing through a crucible and being polished to attain it proper shape, brilliance and value.
Let us also observe that Jesus went through His passion and death in complete peace, in constant
touch with the Father to the end and in complete denial of self.
Meditation ~
This is what I should learn in my life – to learn to deny myself, to set aside myself and to focus instead on the Father who loves me; to learn to listen to Him as a response to His presence. The attitude I have to develop while listening to Him is to submit myself to Him in complete trust.
Contemplation ~
Listen to Jesus say to you:
"Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me."
Keep repeating His words until you come to complete silence. Then, maintain this attitude as long as you can.
Joe & Charito