Dear Friend,
After Jesus called His first disciples, Simon, Andrew, James and John, they went to Capernum where Jesus started preaching, healing the sick and driving out demons. Let us focus on the experiences of the disciples with the end view of learning about their discipleship from Jesus.
Please read this Gospel according to Mark (1:29-39) to your family to find what Jesus was teaching His disciples about healing and praying.
The disciples knew that they were to follow Jesus to heal and drive out demons. But what must they develop first? They saw in Jesus His compassion as He approached and touched the sick. For if they do not have this strong feeling for the afflicted, nothing would happen and they would not heal and drive away demons.
They also must have faith, which is a gift from the Lord - they must then learn to pray as Jesus did. (Read the disciples' experience in Mark 9:28-29)
Meditation ~
As I try to become a disciple in our parish, can I imagine Jesus walking with me and watch Him expressing His compassion for us?
Will see Him having patience with me as I am slow to learn?
He will recognize my weakness and have faith that I eventually will be able to follow Him.
Can I hear Him say, "Let us go on to the nearby villages that I may preach there also. For this reason have I come." Nothing can stop Him from reaching out to the people. He is love.
This is what He is teaching me and I have to respond to Him through prayers.
I have to show my faith in Him by devoting time in prayer "early before dawn in a deserted place" (when everybody else is asleep) as Jesus did, that He be right in backing me up.
Family Response ~
Please talk about how the family may have the compassion of Jesus.
Pray together and support each other's development in compassion and faith.
Contemplation ~
Request each one in the family to spend some quiet time contemplating why Jesus came --
"For this reason have I come."
Joe & Charito